The influence of attention-driven algorithms seems to have seeped into all corners of daily life. This market-oriented way of living poses significant challenges to our sense of individuality and autonomy. Digital algorithms not only shape our sense of personal preferences but also embezzle our most important resource, our attention.
Our cognitive resources and attention span are essential for experiencing life. We yearn for holidays and time away from work, yet once we arrive, we give it away to homogenised, profit-oriented platforms that steal our sense of self. In a few years, this has become a near-omnipresent phenomenon among those of us who are technically adept. This not only compromises personal autonomy but also hampers the capacity for independent thought and decision-making.
In the last decade, technology has provided us with numerous benefits and greater liberty, and societal acceptance of marginalised groups. It allows us to be connected and well-informed. Yet, from a psychological perspective, the normalisation of algorithmic control presents significant threats to people's mental well-being. Targeted content may lead to feelings of disempowerment and a lack of individuality. Notifications, constant access, and bite-sized information overload result in cognitive fatigue, and in many cases, shortened attention spans disguised as ADHD.
To manage this quickly evolving landscape, there are a few things we can do to protect ourselves from digital bombardment:
We have been programmed to be always wanting of more. More things, better lifestyle, greater comfort and ease. We believe that once we attain these possessions, we shall be happy and satisfied. Yet this pursuit is unrelenting and comes at the cost of our time, values, relationships and ability to be grateful for the simple pleasures that life already has to offer. Cultivate awareness around your digital consumption habits. By recognising the influence of algorithms and attention-grabbing tactics, you can regain agency over online experiences.
We possess the capacity for addiction or dependency on various stimuli. Through intermittent positive reinforcement, iPhones have metamorphosed into modern-day pacifiers for adults. As fatigue sets in, undoubtedly exacerbated by technology, our craving for comfort and fulfilment amplifies, thereby augmenting the propensity for adopting unconstructive habits that may endure throughout our lifetimes.
Explore diverse perspectives and information sources. You may wish to seek out content that challenges certain preconceptions and fosters critical thinking.
Establish healthy boundaries around digital usage. Setting limits on technology or task-switching. As well as replacing tech time with offline activities that focus on connection, creativity, and presence.
Lastly, it is ingrained in many of us to equate worthiness with the external validation we receive from others. For some, this manifests as a desire for acceptance, while for others, it's a pursuit of fame and recognition. While fostering a healthy sense of belonging and community is undoubtedly invaluable, there is a hazard in incessantly seeking external approval: it undermines the cultivation of genuine self-worth. If you catch yourself spending your holidays meticulously crafting posts instead of immersing in the splendour of nature's foliage, it could be a sign that you need to prioritise the development of inner peace and contentment.
Preserving individuality in an era of digital conformity requires a concerted effort. Yet, these small shifts in behaviour and increased awareness of the progressive harm that chronic tech fatigue can have on your well-being can lead to a more restful life with a secure sense of self and connection to the real and wonderful world around you.
Katerina Nemcova
Clinical Psychologist